Pure Potential Power Juice I Bergen County, NJ

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One Empowered Sip At A Time

What Is Pure Potential Power 

More than just a juice. It's a philosophy that gives permission to access your human abilities.

It signifies overcoming anything, having raw capabilities & a capacity for greatness, emphasizing the importance of achieving a state of physical, mental, and emotional health to fully access & realize these inherent abilities. When you align with this internal force it manifests everything in the universe.

Your potential is like a seed full of promise waiting to be explored. You are limitless, the only boundaries are the ones you set for yourself. Imagine all the amazing things you can accomplish with power you hold within. Embrace your potential and watch yourself soar.

Our Mission 

To lessen your toxic load, reclaim your inherent strength and satisfy your thirst for life to become stronger and more confident in who you are and how you feel.

 Our Vision

Our beverage is designed to give you a pure choice for your daily well-being, to support your mood, ease the burden of toxins, and replenish nutritional depletion.

We want to see you become stronger and more confident, fostering balance and harmony in your daily routine enabling you to design your well-being.

Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle, One Empowered Sip at a Time!




NUTRITION FACTS: Serving Size: 2 Tbsp (30g)

See our Blog for more on purple corn.

Your Palette of Possibilities

The Magic of purple corn extends beyond its color and antioxidants, its true potential also lies in being a conduit for mood enhancement as well as our other ingredients offering a sensory escape.

Ingredients & Benefits

Non-GMO Andes Purple Corn - Nourishes, protects & purifies your natural detoxification system. Restores balance of the body by supporting a strong immune system, anti-inflammatory, and a positive mood.

Organic Apple - Fight aging of the brain, high fiber, binds to fat, lowers cholesterol, regulates bowels, detoxes liver, contains quercitin to boost the immune system, prevents cataracts, and increases levels of neurotransmitters.

Organic Pineapple - Anti-inflammatory, stimulates serotonin production, and contains betacarotene to protect against prostate and colon cancers.

Organic Lime -
PH balancer, refreshes emotions, supports digestion, skin enhancer, antibiotic properties, high fiber, maintains blood sugar, anti-congestive, eye protector, heals acne, fat burner, high potassium for healing, dissolving uric acid & toxin remover for urinary disorders.

Celyon Cinnamon -
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, reduces cholesterol and blood pressure, regulates sugar and metabolism, protects neurons, toxic to cancer cells, fights infections and inhibits the growth of bacteria. Enhances attention and cognitive processing - increases dopamine.

Cloves -
Expectorant, natural pain killer, reduces inflammation, improves digestion, and acts as an aphrodisiac. Antidepressant effect, reduces stress, and acts as an aphrodisiac.

Reverse Osmosis Water -
 Allows the brain to continue making serotonin, removes foreign contaminants, solid substances, large molecules and minerals, so we start with a clean base.


How To Use

Refrigerate after opening, discard after 30 days.
Take 1-2 oz. for maintenance, 2-3 oz. for better performance, and 4-8 oz. for illness.

Meditation for enhancement of Pure Potential to restore not only your natural healing power but also your human power...

  1. Color - Receive the bright energy through your eyes as your gaze at the purple color of the drink
  2. Temperature - Holding the cup in your hands, feel the temperature in your hands and arms. (For more warmth heat slightly)
  3. Fragrance - Smell and inhale the spice fragrance of the juice to awaken your senses and relax your chest, diaphragm and throat.
  4. Taste - Take a gentle sip and, as your swallow, feel the power of nature passing down your throat, chest and to your lower belly.
  5. Become One with the juice - With deep breathing, feel your body become stronger and your mind come to ease and comfort.

Tips to Increase Antioxidant Function

High levels of toxins in the body can lead to diseases, fatigue and weakness, digestion problems, headaches, muscle and joint pain and even cancer. It is essential that you understand the importance of detox and healthy nutrition, both of which help to promote overall health.

There are lots of ways to maintain a clean balance – aside from regularly drinking Pure Potential Power Juice – such as quitting bad habits and making healthier choices in food. When you eat whole, fresh foods that are highly concentrated in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber, you provide your body with the fuel it needs to stay healthy and prevent and heal from disease.

Nature intended for us to eat food in its whole because all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes are bound together in one package, and they work synergistically to deliver nutrients to the body. Given the proper nutrients, the human body is amazingly resilient. Eating a healthy diet is essential for maintaining good health, although it can be difficult in our fast-paced nature.

The most important parts of health and healing are proper nutrition, diet, exercise, detox and mental and spiritual health. All must be in order for true healing. No supplement will work efficiently on its own if these foundations are not in place.

In Conclusion

The juice of life seems to be lost as short-term pleasures followed by distress are taking over our bodies and our lives. Take time to enjoy connecting with the ever-loving positive energy that radiates from the earth. You are what you consume. Choose foods and lifestyle choices that take on these characteristics and help you come alive… You deserve it.


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Who We Are: We are a small family business seeking to echo ancient wisdom to awaken your potential for health and vitality.

"A joyful heart at peace brings life to the body."

-Proverb 14:30